About Me

I am Khushi Khan.

Currently a final year at Shri G S Institute of Technology and Science pursuing B.Tech focused in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering set to graduate by 2024. My core interests lie in Problem Solving, Data Structures & Algorithm and Frontend Web Development, implementing the study of these disciplines in the workplace.

I'm a passionate software developer with a knack of learning something new everyday, working to better understand how to make impactful scalable softwares.Currently seeking opportunities as software developer full-time to gain work experience and exposure alongside my undergraduate academic career.

My Skills

My Education

My Projects

Emotion Detection Model

Credit Card Fraud Detection

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Conducted in-depth data analysis of a highly imbalanced credit card transaction dataset (284,807 entries), with focus on fraudulent activity. Employed robust exploratory data analytics (EDA) techniques to identify data distribution, address skewness, and optimize feature transformations, driving successful model performance and accurate fraud detection.

Emotion Detection Model

Moosic - Emotion Detection based model

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Demonstrated an end to end pipeline for real-time Facial emotion recognition application along with recommending music based on detected emotions. The application is built using opencv, streamlit-webrtc and mediapipe.

Breast Cancer Classification Model

Breast Cancer Classification Model

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Created a Breast Cancer Prediction model that can predict whether the cancer is benign or malignant with 97% accuracy. Used 32 features of cells nuclei present in the tumor to predict the disease. Developed and trained the model using algorithms like Logisitic Regression, Decision Tree and Random Forest.

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